Clearing Dark Entities
How to clear the dark entities!
I command in the name of I AM that I AM that all dark entities are cleared from my field, form and space between including but not limited to
All dark entities, dark beings, dark souls, dark angels, archons, watchers, fallen angels, demons, lesser demons, greater demons, sorcerers, gurus, pharaohs, high priests, dark wizards, black witches, dark occultists, satan, lucifer, satanists, luciferians, dark reptilians, dark extra terrestrials, dark interdimensional beings, wayward spirits, ghouls, dracos, hosts, clones, drones, dark nephelim, dark annunaki, and all their minions, machines, helpers, and artificial intelligence
I command they are immediately frozen, brought out of hiding into present time, combust repeatedly into non-conscious dust particles, bagged & tagged, and sent through the Galactic Central Sun for processing.
Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.