an island of light, surrounded by mountains & deep water lake. spirit watches from a golden, floating city above.

Negative Mast

Negative Mast

The goal now is to maintain an even emotional state, and stay in a state of detachment from outside chaos. And watch the negative thoughts - A.I. is pushing your emotional body, trying to detach you from the positive mast. If something triggers you into a state of negativity, the first step is to recognize those are not your own thoughts. The second step is to take the opportunity to heal your shadow, as a sticky point in your field allowed those thoughts to attach. Polarizing into victimhood (“they” are after me) is a quick step to the negative mast. We are fast approaching the time when your orientation - positive vs negative - will be your final choice when they pull us from the construct.

“That negative spark that descends them into never ending bitter anger, is what holds them to the negative mast. For humans, The paths were offered, & the AI then continuously pushed the negative thoughts, the human then follows that path..and gets stuck there. They never attempt to correct the negative thoughts, they think it is their own reasoning. Proof they are in error is available, but their minds reject it in anger ..which is the [Agent] Smith push. Rather sad. Who you followed mattered. But for the replacement place holders, that negative spark grows more violent, the closer to the exit we get. They are panicked…”



Pressure Changes

Pressure Changes