Parallel Lives
I got a little nudge from Spirit to share some information about amalgamating parallel lives. A more detailed description & worksheet from the Spiritual School of Ascension is copied below for reference. Basically, as we approach the awakening moment we are unconsiously (mostly in dreamtime) pulling in & integrating our parallel lives into our dominate timeline. Parallel lives are a manipulation of the simulation we are trapped in; they splinter us into running many matrices in the hologram. Like with all manipulations, once you are aware of them, you have the Divine Power to clear them using your I AM (Source) intentions.
I’ll share a couple of examples of parallel life integration:
a few months ago I had a vivid dream that I was hit by a truck in a nearby street, my body skidded down the road, my heart beat twice and I died. I woke up from this dream in a fright. This was a manipulated parallel life being amalgamated; and,
this past weekend I was driving a winding, mountain road in British Columbia and kept running into pockets of death dreams and death entities, which I cleared repeatedly. A few minutes later I rounded a blind corner and came upon an accident. A motorcyclist had died moments before. It was quite shocking! Later, when I looked at the soul of this man, I saw that a soul part or shard had been running his body, and the main soul called it back. I saw that this was part of a parallel life amalgamation.
Accidents don’t need to happen to re-integrate parallel lives; we can bring this process into a more conscious, waking state through meditation. Call in your Spirit, ask for assistance, and follow their directions to un-do any manipulations, and amalgamate all parallel lives into your highest timeline.
Humans reside upon multiple planes in their fractured off state of being at 2 stands of DNA. Originally there were 36 planes uncovered surrounding Earth. Earth has consolidated the 36 into to 24 planes, except in the densest parts of the world such as the cities. Within the cities 36 planes remain unless enough living there are ascending choose to alter the blueprint and remove unnecessarily “astral planes”.
The astral planes host a load of trapped ancestors from other times along with other shattered pieces of soul and entities, and it has been in the consolidation of planes that most ancestors have been recovered that existed in physicality at one time or another.
The 24 planes remaining are integrated a little at a time in ascension. This is how one comes to the middle path or road, for each plane expresses an opposite of whom one is in the physical. If one is wealthy or well off in the physical, then one will have parallel lives of poverty, starvation and homelessness. If one is healthy in the physical, one will have parallel lives of many types of diseases. If one is working in the physical, one will have many parallel lives of non-work or being supported by others. If one is happy in the physical, one will have parallel lives of depression and anger. If one is married with children in the physical, one will have parallel lives of no children, single parenthood and divorce.
In the ascent to 1024, four parallel lives should be integrated. What this means is that one assesses in dreamtime the parallel lives that are most extreme or opposite and then chooses to integrate the polarity thought-form associated into the physical. As one integrates the extremes in thought-form, one rises out of dogmatic vibrations which are antimatter in frequency.
In the ascent to 2200, one integrates another two parallel lives that are again the most extreme to the physical nature of one’s life. This allows the remainder of the dogmatic antimatter vibrations to be transcended in preparation for moving into the Language of Light in the ascent beyond this.
From 2200 to 3000, another two parallel lives are integrated. These lives are again the most opposite to one’s current life circumstance. Sometimes in the clearing of a parallel life, one will live the emotions, thoughts or even relationships in the physical that are occurring upon another plane of reality. This can be confusing, for perhaps one’s beloved or spouse is an enemy in one of these parallel lives; or perhaps one’s boss is one’s spouse or lover in a parallel life; or perhaps one’s children are the children of one’s friend or sibling. One may discover that one has emotional reactions founded upon the reality that one exists within in a parallel plane. The best solution is to go into the emotions and process; process the patterning and thought-form along with karma triggered in one’s ancestry for parallel circumstances and experiences.
Some parallel lives are also of great travesty in comparison to the life in the physical. Perhaps one is depressed, suicidal or severely debilitated upon a parallel plane. Perhaps one has a disease or cancer. Perhaps one has had many operations upon a parallel plane. Perhaps one is imprisoned for having broken the law. Perhaps one is a drug dealer working with the darker cast of characters in the neighborhood that are also reflected to be one’s spouse, children, family, friends or workmates in the physical. As the difficult parallel lives surface to be integrated, one may go into a deep depression and feel what one feels in living such a life circumstance.
In going into the emotions associated with the extremes of one’s polarity, one will come to understand what it is like to be in such an experience, and in so doing, can learn the spiritual lessons behind the experience without requiring manifestation of such a difficult or traumatic circumstance in the physical. In this way, one learns compassion through observation of one’s own parallel lives as well as the lives of others surrounding oneself that will mirror the parallel lives one has. As one gains compassion for oneself in one’s own parallel life circumstance, one will quite naturally find compassion for others that mirror such a state of being in the physical. One also then does not require manifestation of such a circumstance as one has already learned the spiritual lesson associated.
Parallel lives can be manipulated, duplicated or traded. Manipulated parallel lives occur when portions of a given life are shunted to another and parts of another’s parallel life intermixed with one’s own. This creates a circumstance in which one will be trying to process the dogmatic thought-form of another that may not be an exact opposite to what one is trying to cancel to neutralize. Opposing thought- form cancels one another leading to the middle road or unity. In the case of dogmatic or electrical thought-form, the opposing sides cancel each other out allowing for transcendence….
…An example of the cancellation of dogmatic thought-form is the polarity of love and hate. As one presses the beliefs of love and hate together, one cancels the other out and then one moves into the thought-form of forgiveness, the first note of the Language of Light. The ascent to 2200 is to heal the issues of love and hate to bring one to a state of forgiveness, the first note of the Language of Light. As one embraces the first note, then one can begin the journey of ascending into the Language of Light scale. Forgiveness is a prerequisite to embodying any other tone in the scale however; so if one has not fully addressed the issues of love and hate and allowed them to be transmuted in the ascent embodying the forgiveness tone, then one will fail to embody any other note leading to a failed ascension. Mila and Oa have seen this problem of failing to integrate forgiveness time and time again in their observation of their students. How did the missing first note go unnoticed as being unintegrated? Well if another’s parallel lives are pressed into one’s own field from someone that has legitimately ascended, then it will appear as though one has mastered forgiveness and canceled the patterning of love and hate when one has not. This has led to students who hate either in the physical or in the unconscious and from the hate, become conduits for the dark to manipulate through.
Being thorough with parallel life integration is one way to assure complete ascension comes forth for each reading these materials, and that all emotional issues pertinent to one’s spiritual evolution are addressed and transmuted.
Parallel lives can also be duplicated and then sent to others. Most of those hosting false parallel lives in Mila and Oa’s experience had duplicates pressed into the field from someone who had succeeded at ascension. Parallel lives can also be traded, one for the other. In such a case, no duplication is involved, just a swapping of lives. This occurs in the dreamtime surrounding Earth that is a multilayered onion. It is easy if one is close to another such as a good friend, marital partner or family member to swap parallel lives. We have also seen this within the school and are a favored manipulation of the false gods. Why? The swapping prevents real ascension and causes one to fail to clear all thought-form through the integration of polar opposites. Monitoring parallel lives is useful therefore to support creating a complete ascension and is something one can muscle test or pendulum for. This shall be addressed in the worksheet section of this chapter.”
Source: Complete Ascension Workbook, Spiritual School of Ascension, authored by The Earth Mother, through “Mila” Karen Dandrich & “Oa” Thomas Weber