Babylon Company Store Collapse
Source: Yellow Rose for Texas “The Collapsing Babylon Company Store (Update 10/3/19)
…The West likes money systems, and this is the only thing that was allowed to be kept of the babylon system. But with the collapse of the rest of the corporations that formed the worldwide net of this company store system will come the appearance of an economic crisis. Don’t be afraid of this. Those Above are controlling this, and their Plan is in action. They are removing the company store. Despite the rhetoric by the others, its been clearly stated – Corporations worldwide will end..
…An as father of the reptile branch, created hybrid races to look like Man, but retain the cold blooded traits of reptiles, which is their branch. ICK = ice cold killers. And this is what it means when they called these hybirds “the others”. Not human. They are opposite. Literally. Hybrid ruled covens are the Left Hand path of Set. This is the horrifying reality of what is means to be satanic. To them wicked = good. The nastier, more vile and corrupt you were, got you promoted in the coven ranks…
…Many still deny the snake invaded Eden and put Rome in charge as the temple of Set. They want this planet. They try to get it by trick or force. Some propaganda typical is “man ruins everything” (climate or environment). And “reptiles were here before Man. This is their world.” There is a trick with the reptile fossils they don’t reveal. They INVADED. Another is “humans are weak”. But humans helped win the war in Heaven’s favor. That is strength. Then they have the lie of duality and transgender. In all ways they seek to alter and lower what is Mankind. So when they claim these pedovores are human or are mankind, remember….they are not. That’s the trick. And who ruined the planet in a war against humanity? The El’s, Owl’s, powers & principles, had control of the movie, inserting “skits” and “sims”. Humans were POWs (prisoners of war). And now control has changed…
Fear is the enemy. One said Do Not Fear what you see in the sky. Eve said Everyone is tied off to their path. The Parents are here. Everything is proceeding outside…
Full Transcript:
There has been a lot of propaganda on both sides and this was necessary. It was a war of strategy. Revealing too much too soon compromised The Plan and placed allied operators in real danger. And this is something that the civilian public had a very hard time comprehending or abiding by. This stays in place for some things still, until The All’s plan is completed. As before some things can be stated clearly, others cannot. Many Allies’ operations (incarnates) on the inside are shutting down.
Don’t be afraid of the dark. Sometimes its necessary. The dark never lasts long. Things are moving incredibly fast now. As fast as I get updated information something new comes in. Finale stages are prepared. Eve said there would be a lot of people leaving and this was true in my family. I’ve had 3 grandparents, some WW2 veterans, pass in the months to June (2019). In July & August there were 3 more who left. Eve said these people leaving early are needed outside to pull the VAH (world) upward through the plane, back into its original location, Heaven.
Time to understand the company store system & pedovores. The hidden crimes are being revealed. The snakes that invaded Eden are the branches of SET from the underworld. The offspring formed the corporation “Vatican” dedicated to Set and Alexander “Massawa” Babylon-”Baphomet/Azazel” (Antarctica) was left in charge as landlord of earth.
To remove our history and memory they broke up the information into multiple books, then proceeded to erase it as memory faded in the public. This is why Rothschild’s infamous quote “no man can defeat me because my god gave me the corporation” is now removed from history books. People understand better now – his god is Satan (SET god of chaos and death) and the corporation was the Vatican. The Vatican cannons made the corporate bylaws that put you in debt. Do you remember how the Vatican got people to accept jail as a benefit? They said, “hey, we’ll give you the benefit of the opportunity to repay any debt before the last judgment, or you can waive that benefit and take your changes at the exit that you won’t be damned”.
For the coven Rothschild formed a company store system over the entire world, run by the Vatican which is the umbrella corporation that issued all originating charters. The CFR (council on foreign relations) listed the dollar for “internal use only” which means it was the store script. This is why it was quoted “the babylon slave system is a three prong system: religion; corporate government; banking/money system.”
You are not under a national governing body; it is a foreign owned corporation. You do not have real bona fide judges in courts, nor real trials. Not since the Justice Act(s) of 1871. Every bit of what you see that is wrong with society is due to the actions of the Family and their Company Store System. Because they knew they were at war, and it was a real war not a fable, which is why they removed the definition of “covet means” from the common law books. It states the war plainly. When a company store system becomes too top heavy, it collapses. This is why they usually cover it up with some other created chaos, e.g. war, plague or something else. Then they restructure and start it again. But not this time.
On their last judgment, they were told to repay the public: “Man is sole creditor of all commerce because commerce cannot exist without man’s labor”, which resulted in the Bill of Rights. A Bill is an order to pay. They’ve altered the Bill of Rights now and removed many necessities of life including the security of the person. In this final judgment the babylon company store system is to be removed. So the public is now witnessing a collapse worldwide, of the governments as they knew them.
Because the public fails to understand this is a company store system, and can’t differentiate between government and corporation, they are vulnerable to the propaganda used to attempt to start civil war. Not only is the definition mainly removed for company store, you can’t find any of the information of how it is setup or run, or why we are against them. No one says the words company store system or equates it to slavery. Many still completely fail to see that Trumps’ maneuvers within the corporation is taking the structure down. The Parents are replacing it. So this take-apart of the company is internal and mainly hidden.
The West likes money systems, and this is the only thing that was allowed to be kept of the babylon system. But with the collapse of the rest of the corporations that formed the worldwide net of this company store system will come the appearance of an economic crisis. Don’t be afraid of this. Those Above are controlling this, and their Plan is in action. They are removing the company store. Despite the rhetoric by the others, its been clearly stated – Corporations worldwide will end. For more than the reason of their use of silent consent.
People are unaware of what the priesthood did to create a corporation. In fact they keep erasing the definition. They created an artificial entity that they named god and ascribed it rights and privileges over the human population. This company store system is over every single nation. By breach of the Hague they illegally posed as “allies” and removed any reference to being the other side of the war. The federal covens of Selene are the judicial branch and by latin claim of rights issued by Vatican they also run the money system as Freemasons. Interested parties.
They make human sacrifice, and El (Greys) and Owl’s (Reptilians) provided the service of protecting them. They altered our world and remove people or any law for repayment. By use of spell casting and removal of memory by the El & Owl’s, freemasons and sister organization eastern star, infiltrated every nation under the guise of being benevolent clubs. The clubs are a way to screen the population, searching for suitable recruits. They formed an army of willing satanic members at the 33rd degree rite. Those who agree with the slaughter are those who make the blood pact with satan in exchange for being placed in positions of control and power.
The Vatican pontiff is also the head of the coven illuminati. This coven council had direct contact and received orders from El’s and Owl’s. They have access to both tunnel networks. The Vatican runs the underground DUMBs harvesting children to pay for power. The Vatican council is what makes the controlling decisions over populations as legislative branch. The reason we had separation of church and state was because C.A. were all 3: legislative; executive; and judicial branches over government.
Illuminati members are selected from the graduates, some of the 33rd degree masons. These are the intelligence agencies CIA, NSA, MI6, Mossad, etc. and why they’re often seen meeting with the pontiff. Now understand how many covens under thousands of names they created, i.e. Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, etc. and add in every corporation (37,000 .gov in USA) they have created which has a built in backdoor coven with many CEO’s practicing satanic rites of human sacrifice. Whether they are a case of body snatch, killed & possessed unwillingly, or they were cooperating and sold their soul, the result is the same. Pedovores are irretrievable.
The underground is dedicated to exterminating the current surface population so that only their kind will remain to inherit the earth. It was to win the war in heaven for their god satan. These covens now number in the millions. World wide the elite in covens used our labor and GNP (gross national product) to build a massive network of cities underground around the world. They built cities and hid tech stolen from us. 6800 reported patents on free energy and 6000 dead inventors. Everything we create to aid humanity they steal, hide or weaponize like HAARP, cures to AIDS and cancer. They rule slaves in every underground city. Reports of up to 100,000 in order to breed girls of 11 years old like cattle for the specific purpose of gaining babies as meat and human sacrifice. The death toll is unimaginable. Do the math. 1400 DUMBs, estimated 30 million elite who are top officials (followers of satan) running the DUMBs. Estimated 300 million followers of the elite who are also cannibal. 29 satanic calendar sacrifice days each year. How much meat does the average person eat? According to data published by the USDA consumer are expected to eat 222.2 pounds. Average weight of a 5-6 year old child? 37-47 lbs. Without bone? 20-30 lbs approx meat. Now add in how many were shipped offworld to provide slave labor and meat for the invading species the followers call god – Ra’s El (Greys), An’s Owls (Reptilians) and don’t forget the 250 other species they let in, such as Mantis. And don’t forget to increase average mat consumption for these species who are 9-15 feet tall like An’s nordics.
The nordics were one of the reptile races spoken of, in a genetic bottleneck. An took Man’s bodies for DNA. Nephilim in greek means re-animated body, and this was mainly archons and refers to body snatching (arch(on)-angel). But Ra and An as father of the reptile branch, created hybrid races to look like Man, but retain the cold blooded traits of reptiles, which is their branch. ICK = ice cold killers. And this is what it means when they called these hybirds “the others”. Not human. They are opposite. Literally. Hybrid ruled covens are the Left Hand path of Set. This is the horrifying reality of what is means to be satanic. To them wicked = good. The nastier, more vile and corrupt you were, got you promoted in the coven ranks.
For Man, it is known as evil. Li is the next closest blood kin to An, after QE, and is the Eel branch (reptile). Which is why the Vatican selected Li as next pharaoh in 2010, and started the transfer of Vatican bank resources and executive powers from QE to Li, altering the SEC information. The Holy See who was executor of the securities exchange, has completely erased the for profit Holy See’s public ledger. It listed all the nations and flags as Vatican owner (NWO) for profit corporations. The Vatican is connected to the underground trafficking. Rome – 7 sacred mounds.
Nordics slaughtered humans for replacement blood, organs and DNA but because they burned through the original 12 strand DNA population it required literally hundreds of 2 strand DNA from current human populations to gain enough for their needs. They have to extract the 10 broken strands of DNA in humans that scientist call junk DNA, to find the few pieces they need.
Many still deny the snake invaded Eden and put Rome in charge as the temple of Set. They want this planet. They try to get it by trick or force. Some propaganda typical is “man ruins everything” (climate or environment). And “reptiles were here before Man. This is their world.” There is a trick with the reptile fossils they don’t reveal. They INVADED. Another is “humans are weak”. But humans helped win the war in Heaven’s favor. That is strength. Then they have the lie of duality and transgender. In all ways they seek to alter and lower what is Mankind. So when they claim these pedovores are human or are mankind, remember….they are not. That’s the trick. And who ruined the planet in a war against humanity? The El’s, Owl’s, powers & principles, had control of the movie, inserting “skits” and “sims”. Humans were POWs (prisoners of war). And now control has changed.
The extreme weather hasn’t always been what we’ve thought, as ships, platforms and large beings captured the demonic entities/ET’s, cleaning them off in a worldwide operation. Under the President (Trump), the re-acquired assets were used successfully against the Underground forces.
Thanks to Donald Trump, the fencing used to scramble our brains, make us forget, make us now failing. Worldwide you can see the effect of the Division (East vs West) in progress, waking people up. The President’s WALL, an operation consisting of more than a border barrier, is working well in the United States. Every time it appears he is blocked, he finds a way around it. People are watching out for his family, and his safety.
The Great Awakening is in full swing now that the fencing is closing down worldwide, and the in-streaming energy is even more unhampered. The physical matter is altering as they work to un-glue the real “you” from inside the physical body, in preparation to move you. Some people mention they see smoky whisps coming off things and this is part of the visible action of the white out energy (photon) on matter. Some are remembering dreams of doctors, and that is those outside working on you.
A Spirit is not a ghost; these are people. The individual fences, nets, domes, that the El (Greys) had placed over areas were self-repairing A.I. driving nano-tech, and these are weirdly dissolving to the ground as the self-repair operation is overwhelmed, giving the area of fence or net that is dissolving a shimmer, like a mirage. This appears due in part to the white-out energy, which is photonic. It appears to be dissolving these objects that are phased out of sight and touch.
Although the Ma Net and its A.I. are disabled, the system was still showing some instability in August (2019). It was performing actions which appear to be the same hits as in the past, but these are reported as errors within the coding which was being cleaned up. That is, if you had your bills padded in the past, the system might still be padding them but it isn’t an A.I., El (Greys) or Owl (Reptilians) doing the task; although there are still criminals leaching, posing as utilities.
The push in the mind of “you’re not worthy” or that you won’t be comfortable in the East without evil or a war, and the push to fight with loved ones, friends and family are also fading because the source was the El and their primary race outside Earth is now extinct. Notice the mental push of “he did this” or that “you should be mad” is fading now. Apps are still active, but are very thinned out. On the upper level they appear completely removed, and it is translating here. Although it seems like a very slow wipe/erasure of these mechanisms, its actually amazingly fast and vast.
The Allied Forces have been masked in the “lightening” storms seen worldwide as the Els and Owls’ hidden tech is removed from all around us. The Parent branches have also been removing monsters. Literally. They have cleaned off the El. Pleiades was a mixed system; it appears some of the remaining worlds and their El were forfeit. The Parents are sealing the time lines. That means its probably the end of any new mandela effect events. The underground tunnels appear to be on the President’s clean up list as there is mention he has military ops training for underground combat.
It’s been reported that with General Mattis the revaluation of currency occurred August 23 (2019). The US “dollar” was the physical contract with SET. The spells encoded on it made it the KEYSTONE of their satanic empire on Earth, binding all of their spells on humanity to SET. Thanks to the actions of these brave men and women, the keystone is confirmed broken. The Parents are saying they are going to crash the market. Incarnates are the tools used by those Above. They make sure he gets what he needs.
They said this is the “shiv” (object appears to be a wedge) inserted in as a launch platform, the Allied forces, East and West families united, used to gain access to our system which the criminal faction had locked us inside of here. These Allied Families are collectively referred to as “the MOB”. When stars reach this point it is said they are “going in”, leaving the construct, pulled back into the real world.
The moon is inside the Earth’s atmosphere. One (Divine Father) said the constellations were “houses” high inside the dome. That is, “house of Aries” ruled by Regent Mars. Do you know where you are?
They couldn’t make us forget the mother of humanity is Eve. This is Eve’s world. It is returning to Heaven. Those Above are taking great care to the safety of all of us. They’ve worked tirelessly from July (2019) to now. The El are gone & Allies are in control. The underground cannibals will not win. You in turn must be aware enough of what is actually happening when you see changes in the sky.
Fear is the enemy. One said Do Not Fear what you see in the sky. Eve said Everyone is tied off to their path. The Parents are here. Everything is proceeding outside.
It is time to see what they did underground. Stop arguing over things you don’t agree on, to come together on something you can agree on and say “no to pedovores”, “no to underground satanic covens”. Don’t get caught up in rioting. This isn’t about you or who you like in politics. Justice is about to be served. It’s Eve’s movie now. Trump wins.
Remember who owns the (collapsing babylon company) store. Where is the missing catholic prophecy? Only google knows. Covfefe.