an island of light, surrounded by mountains & deep water lake. spirit watches from a golden, floating city above.

Galactic War & More

Galactic War & More

Christian Sibley’s June 2024 update video “Galactic War and More”:

GAA/F (Galactic Alliance / Federation) – 5 master races = Andromedans, positive Reptilians, Pleidians, Lyrans & Arcturians. All worlds created a secret alliance under the parasites’ noses. Galactic War Plan:

  1. Worlds coming together secretly

  2. Coming up with a plan

  3. Raise spiritual & well being between worlds

  4. Secretly exchange tech & intel

  5. Enhance and advance tech under radar

  6. The great spiritual awakening plan, teaching starts

  7. Infiltrate good souls in the known lands [us here]

  8. Help create an Earth alliance

  9. Infiltrate Earth space force, take it from deep state military, pass it to US air force

  10. ET souls start to move in & flood earth in human form

  11. Plan to hit worlds at the same time

  12. Once parasites outside known lands crushed, pushed outside great dome to Dome of Shol & Dome of Shiva where they will struggle until the liberation of the known lands. Parasites inside 1st, 2nd & 3rd realm of the known lands trapped [in here with us]. We’re about to be liberated. The parasites will go extinct.

  13. Team up with all great domes outside

This is the Dome and Outer Space Projection book referenced at the beginning of the video:

Messages from the Trees

Messages from the Trees

Flashcards & Checklist

Flashcards & Checklist