Sitting (Protocol)
I’ve been listening to Yellow Rose for Texas’ youtube channel videos and truly enjoying her commentary.
Ascension means awakening & exiting the construct, returning to our true bodies in the higher realm. In preparation for the awakening we are currently in a protocol calling “sitting”. We are not meant to do anything, but let go of that which does not serve. We are meant to have a sense of detachment, to be still, to let hobbies & past times drop away from disinterest, to work only to provide basic needs, to rest more & do less. It may feel like you are in a holding pattern without much forward motion - that very little holds your attention - just know this a good sign. You have been sealed in preparation for the awakening process.
Soon the protocol will change to “standing”, and that comes after the sky event. As we stand up, our souls are pulled up and out of the construct, and we re-awaken from the long slumber. This is the timeline split - the highest timeline stands first, the middle timeline continues on a new earth, and the lowest timeline is purged by Source.