an island of light, surrounded by mountains & deep water lake. spirit watches from a golden, floating city above.

Mankind & the Heavenly War

Mankind & the Heavenly War

Source: Ur is Done (Yellow Rose For Texas 2/11/20)


Mankind in heaven won this war….Since they (evil ones) lost in 2010 they have waged an internal war on the people to keep them from exiting this construct. Many sabotages [were done] to the computerized system and the mechanisms used to pull the mind back out, to be rejoined with its real body, were consistently damaged. New strategies were implemented.

The Tree of Life wants all viable souls back.

Those now under the Tree’s law, who are allied, are those from both East-Heaven and West-Underworld. Inside here they are opposed by the vatican covens & their priest kings. The criminals….

The criminals are among those who do not exit. Those who do not exit, do not survive. What happens when the mind does not return to the body? True death. They are not risen. What happens when the Spirit is already in the Pit, and the individuals stand? They fall in. Anything they actually did accomplish is gone. Their histories are wiped. Their families don’t remember them – they are all broken up and adopted out. No body, anywhere or anytime, will remember them.

They will see a flash, and from their perspective, we’ll be gone from their view. The earthquakes will strike, meteors will rain, and the sun will go nova. Then they stand, and it gets worse. The view of the pit, and judgment is real. And it is these individuals who receive it.

For the heirs on the exit it’s all amazing. From the perspective of the majority of humanity, depending on what path you are on forward, is what you will see. East and West are different….

In private lives though, it’s time we all focus some of our attention on clearing up any fear or negative emotions from our mind & heart. Stay calm, even when arrests are made. We need to start letting go of our expectations of “here” to realize our rewards are waiting “there”. You have a life. You have family. You have homes, ships, and worlds to be in. We should look forward to seeing friends and family. The reason to speak of the Nova & Pit is so that all know justice has been served. Closure. The public now needs to look past war rhetoric, old wounds or vengeance and see where our hearts would really like to be. That’s home. Focus your mind and hearts on moving forward Home.

The end of lifetimes of captivity & torture comes within a single split second of time.

Full transcript:

Propaganda on both sides was used. However the main lies were always pointed out as lies. In their ignorance many still fall for them. The lie that this is just a conspiracy theory, go back to sleep. The lie that you can do as thou wilt and there is no Pit, keep creating debt so Set can keep you, there is no penalty after death.

This is a war of strategy. When an op, especially a large scale military op is underway it’s wise to pull offline and keep quiet. Last night we heard Ur is Done, op is finished, so is Ur.

As I’ve said, this is a construct. It is the underworld that invaded Eden. You are not in your original location. You are in the west. Ur is the main city of the underworld. The Babylon system of slavery is their system. The main problem is that Ur wouldn’t allow Eve to promote her humans forward, as the law allowed. Those from Ur have been slaves all their lives. They’ve never known another system other than the Babylon slave system. They’ve never been free before. Most have a problem envisioning themselves in a free system. They only know of the slave system Barter and haven’t any idea of what “acceptance for value” is among men or how it can work. This allowed the El’s and Owl’s to push thoughts of you’re not worthy to go, you’re going to have problems there. Doubt. Most of these whispers in our heads were them, trying to give us scenarios of how it’s going to be just the same old thing, same problems and hangups. Same fights with whomever, spouses or kids, etc. That doesn’t happen. It’s another lie.

Underworld Ur created the corporation, which is worldwide. It is run by their priesthood vatican, the umbrella corporation for all the branches created by incorporation – religions, corporate governments, banking/money systems. Worldwide it is the vatican which is the legislative branch for all corporate governments.

In the construct you are inside a VAH, a virtual A.I. hologram. A ship. But it also uses a type of railroad track system. There are protocols that must be followed for a VAH to exit. There are also protocols for moving forward to the next Book of life. Part of which is the eggs, and then the emit. When a VAH emits it’s a hot energy flash containing all the souls and lifeforce exiting, so the protocol is to cool down a VAH before an emit. The track goes around the underworld city Ur, because they pulled us into their area of the west. The El used to brag it was their franchise and we (men) couldn’t make or alter laws here, only they had that right. They gave themselves immunity from any laws they placed on the people. By incorporation you gave silent consent to the priesthood for this and other removals of rights.

Mankind in heaven won this war. Every time the El’s & Owl’s made a treaty to settle they breached it. This means they had to forfeit something. This is how they forfeited Earth. Continuing after forfeit usually has military repercussions. Smoke, on the lower left side of the Cor images is the underworld city of Ur on fire. Again.

Since they lost in 2010 they have waged an internal war on the people to keep them from exiting this construct. Many sabotages [were done] to the computerized system and the mechanisms used to pull the mind back out, to be rejoined with its real body, were consistently damaged. New strategies were implemented.

The Tree of Life wants all viable souls back.

Those now under the Tree’s law, who are allied, are those from both East-Heaven and West-Underworld. Inside here they are opposed by the vatican covens & their priest kings. The criminals. The zodiac tribes are now divided from their criminal members. The division was between the West’s peoples. The East was ready to go. Each Division is responsible for pulling their people, all at the same time. As stated before they use what they call a service hub with beds, and the individual wakes up in their real body on the bed. However with this many to pull they were outfitting ships as well, for this exodus. It’s the service hub that does the surgeries and healings and maintains the pods and the event monitors. Each division has its own service hub. Ur’s is the main hub for the West. So anyone here from the West is automatically pulled into that service hub. You are attached to it – like Neo, you’re corded.

Eve wanted fairness for Jupiter’s people, who had stood up for mankind. She didn’t believe they deserved that fate, the West. Jupiter’s people are the bird tribes, the American Eagle. The Native American Indians show glyphs of a human with an eagle head wearing traditional Indian clothing. This was a real and captured race, that was hiding here and escorted out safely by The One, years back, when mankind won the war initially.

The West had setup up a skit for a war, where Americans took the blame for Babylon and were slaughtered. The corporation in DC had betrayed and stripped all defense systems and had trained the corporate branches to slaughter their own population without conscience. Rome, UK, China, Israel, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland all bought a piece of the kill. Now imagine a move forward where each of those named above are a planet and each a different species. American planet would have been annihilated in both places. Here with WW3 and there with invasion. It appears Trump has changed that perspective in both places.

The West had to identify and dump the criminals, and wake its people to the exit. Donald Trump was sent in to do this. Notice the separation? Millions worldwide owe their lives to Donald Trump. They had to make the choice “right or left”. This is what won them the exit.

It’s a construct like the movies “Ready Player One’ and “RPG”. There were moves you had to make to gain the exit. Offers you had to accept or reject. The mind had to make it through the maze to be found and reconnected to its body. The Bell was like Neo’s phone call, dialing you back into your real physical body outside the construct, back in the real world. The pod with the body was recovered and moved to a safe location. Did you feel inexplicably sea sick & dizzy sometime this last year or so (2019)? Then your mind is reconnected enough to be aware your pod was moved. The illness you feel in here, from the deliberate poisonings, etc. was giving psychosomatic symptoms to the body in stasis (pod). This required surgeries and a lot of constant repairs this last year. Did you dream of hospital lighting and waking on the recovery gurneys off and on?

Most people are standing at the exit by the door which opens. Have your feet felt that cold to the bone type of cold? The system is designed to put people to sleep and to use people as its puppets. The El create a skit to play and insert it into the move and then the system maneuvers whomever they control, to play out the part.

When you wake up to this, the system deploys defenses. Fortunately the system is now stripped down to bare bones. When it hits, it has to pull all of its resources into that hit. Unfortunately for someone inside on the receiving end, it feels like they took a big hit. That is, the police are at your door for some reason, the bills aren’t paid and you get shut off, accidents happen and you’re injured, or you’re mugged and injured. Police – Bills - Criminals are the most controlled because they are created by this system. It owns them, until the human employed in that position wakes up.

The computerized system was trying to stay alive and rebuild, as the Borg do. It had rebuilt assembly lines of reppy’s that were machine, not biological, Borg. Rebuilding a new Net v..02, a new Rolly Roller movie machine, they wanted a new movie. The white light trick has been removed again as well. Soul contracts are now blank pages. The system continues to mechanically offer them.

Ur breached treaty, Ison and Lovejoy were sent into the Underworld before Christmas (2019). By January (2020) Ur was under capture. They seized the city. Ison has straightened out the Pull at the service hub for those who were being denied exit by Ur. Lovejoy has taken over the healing bay, because there were so many reports of abusive behavior towards the people on the exit, being treated there. Lovejoy will make sure you get treated fairly, and end the abuse. Allies have now fully repaired West service hub for the pull.

As above so below, and on the inside here, the so called deep state is taking hits. The Corporation (papal USA) took a hit in Puerto Rico when Ur “Babylon” fell. The system VAHs including the sun, form mechanisms that open a System magnetic lock. These are moved into place.

The mistake is to think you have more time. They system clock is the sun. The clock is at zero. The last net to move the VAH was blown off, like a ship casting off the line. They System kernel has been broken. The West has clocked out of their allotted extra time, they are now at zero. A method to overcome the systems of fear pushing populations has been deployed. This is created fear, and not real but it keeps people from ease of exit. The guru traps West people are using are noted, as well as the individuals using such methods. It does not end well for them. Selling soul contracts retrieved from the Vatican? Since when does law allow thieves to keep stolen goods? You are actually funneling money to the Vatican – who has been cut off for human trafficking. The people, who are misled by these individuals, only follow until they “stand”. When they stand all memory returns and they immediately move to their proper path. No one can really be moved or bumped off the stair now, everything is sealed.

The law is: Nothing of the Old can move forward. They are actively wiping histories now. This affects your memory. We heard “the El have forgotten how to fight”. Only people like Donald Trump are still working. And we need to support his effort. Those above say he stopped a worldwide attack (Suleimani) and is still actively stopping the criminals’ attempts to create negative acts like false flags, world wars, etc. The public needs to know, there were multiple nuclear threats. Not just one.

The parents are getting all their divisions awake. Notice all the Trump supporters worldwide? They are still going to crash the markets, but don’t fear this, the “fix” is already there, to catch the fall out. You won’t be stranded. Trump has done a spectacular job standing up for American rights to settle the accounts owed Americans. And he caught the entire swamp. This allows arrests to be made in Ur – and their incarnates here inside with us, have no support and nowhere to run or hide. The DUMBs are besieged, outside is cut off, money is slim. Arrests are about to occur, on Earth.

They sealed the final two coins – Mars & Venus. Which were seen going to the Pit in February.

It has been reported by others that the 100th monkey effect has been reached. Eve said that if the people activate their chi and focus their intent on wiping out the negative energies, it will clear off the remaining residual bad energies the system is pushing onto the populations. She also said if you want to immediately change the energy around your body, snap your fingers. The vibration alters the energy around you.

You should know by now, humanity is no longer tied to the El’s bible code or the path the El had planned. Along with the 3 days of Night El skit we banned, the WW3 scenario with the Illuminati card game showing religious war – is also something the system constantly pushes. And those choosing that skit push it to the public for the system. It’s a skit. The matrix is making you an offer. Acting in agreement with that offer is an acceptance to play another round, to the matrix system. It’s trying to lock you into a new game, to keep you.

Wouldn’t you rather play a nice game of chess?

The criminals are among those who do not exit. Those who do not exit, do not survive. What happens when the mind does not return to the body? True death. They are not risen. What happens when the Spirits is already in the Pit, and the individuals stand? They fall in. Anything they actually did accomplish is gone. Their histories are wiped. Their families don’t remember them – they are all broken up and adopted out. No body, anywhere or anytime, will remember them.

They will see a flash, and from their perspective, we’ll be gone from their view. The earthquakes will strike, meteors will rain, and the sun will go nova. Then they stand, and it gets worse. The view of the pit, and judgment is real. And it is these individuals who receive it.

For the heirs on the exit it’s all amazing. From the perspective of the majority of humanity, depending on what path you are on forward, is what you will see. East and West are different. Eve is the May Queen, but it’s not a month on our calendars, besides which, today’s calendars are altered.

Although there is a great deal going on in politics, President Trump is winning & completing things there. In private lives though, it’s time we all focus some of our attention on clearing up any fear or negative emotions from our mind & heart. Stay calm, even when arrests are made. We need to start letting go of our expectations of “here” to realize our rewards are waiting “there”. You have a life. You have family. You have homes, ships, and worlds to be in. We should look forward to seeing friends and family. The reason to speak of the Nova & Pit is so that all know justice has been service. Closure. The public now needs to look past war rhetoric, old wounds or vengeance and see where our hearts would really like to be. That’s home. Focus your mind and hearts on moving forward Home.

The end of lifetimes of captivity & torture comes within a single split second of time. In seconds, 4, 10, 20 is the beginning of honor, love and joy which lasts an eternity.

Trump’s gift to the West - MAGA sealed for exit

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