Memory - Vessel - Awakening
Christian Sibley (Christian21) released some new & clarifying intel on the upcoming 3-flashes event. Videos are embedded below.
When the sky event starts, we will experience 3 flashes, and within 30 seconds we will be flashed backwards in time to retrieve our memories, then reclaim our original vessels (healed & whole), then forward into 6D new earth for the beginning of our spiritual awakening. This is possible because we are in a cube simulation. Don’t worry about children & animals - everyone will be okay. Positive ET’s will be providing a lot of assistance to each soul.
My information:
I asked my family above & outside if Christian’s information is accurate, and was told 100% for those going through the East gate to the middle ground. Those going all the way home will be pulled through the lenses at the 3rd flash and return to the real world, i.e. completely out of the cube simulation. Those going through the West gate are pulled into the underworld to continue on another 3D world.