Lightworkers vs Grey Hats
Here’s an excerpt from R’Kok's latest article:
First of all, once light workers sufficiently uplift the consciousness of humanity, you will have your mass arrests and a peaceful open landing of galactics. You too can contribute to this, either through growing spiritually, or through healing, or through psychological work, or by being an example for others, or by shining your light, or through practical actions, or in whatever way you feel called.
Two, you are not powerless. Earth’s light workers are actually probably the most powerful faction of Earth humans, because they are the only ones who are incrementally moving towards their goal. Think about it. Earth’s light workers may seemingly not be winning battles, but they sure are winning the war, because consciousness of Earth humans keeps incrementally rising. Hence mass arrests and open galactic contact are coming ever closer…..
And whose will is stronger than that of the dedicated lightworker? You are the only ones really doing what you should be doing, and you are doing it effectively and selflessly. You’re not receiving money or power or control or fame from doing so, and yet you do it anyway, and you are winning. You may be losing some battles, you may be taking some casualties, but you are absolutely winning the war.