an island of light, surrounded by mountains & deep water lake. spirit watches from a golden, floating city above.

Steps to New Earth

Steps to New Earth

I too have noticed some signs of New Earth, such as fewer biting & stinging insects (they’re not coming with us into the higher dimension), the sky looking different (blue-lavender), and weather changes. For example, when we had the 4th of July fireworks last month, a huge wind blew in for the duration, then calmed when it was over. Our collective consciousness picked up on the excitement and the weather mirrored our energy. So exciting!

In Allison Coe’s recent hypnosis session, her client communicated with someone in 2025 who made the transition to New Earth:

Some key points:

  • don’t allow a seed of doubt to take hold

  • don’t be distracted

  • allow other people their freewill choices

  • ground, anchor and accept New Earth

  • choose to believe you are going to New Earth

  • this is the window of time when you can jump between the dimensions, and by 2025 the final choices are made

Event Run Down

Event Run Down

Cleansing Times

Cleansing Times