6,012 years
Summaries of Christian21’s information. as written by Leon Sinclair. Parts 1 & 2 are copied in full below. Parts 1 through 8 are available in .pdf format here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AnqGBU-WlYxiix5g7M7gZAGeaf2G?e=8lRZ8J
Oct 19, 2023
3D-to-5D…..what does this actually mean, and why?
A brief synopsis of Christian21’s information in the last 14 months, to hopefully answer any questions people may have still, such as: What is ‘Ascension’? What does “going from 3D-to-5D” actually mean?? And why was no one else in the TOP Truth Movement able to explain it even in its basic terms? Why/how are the top truthers leading you down-the-garden-path? What can you honestly expect in November? & how and why we got in this mess in the first place, plus some other interesting bits.
In normal circumstances, Ascension is a process of the procurement of understanding which leads to knowledge, that transmutes to wisdom, which leads to the elevation of ones consciousness to a higher state than it previously was a various stages thu the natural life/death cycle.
BUT NOT FOR US THIS TIME….its different for us in 2023. The reason that no one knew what Asencion meant/means FOR US NOW IN THESE DAYS, is because we are not on a ‘Normal’ ascension pathway….WHATSOEVER. And NO ONE was supposed to know any of this till 2022 because even being aware of this info could have triggered another Re-set, it has in the past, we were about to be re-set again for the 7th time….we have no clue at the moment how LUCKY we actually were – we were all about to be destroyed (Georgia Guide-stones explained a tiny bit of that) utterly annihilated, soul and all, destroyed out of existence. that’s worse than dyeing, which is also fake.
What happened to ‘US’ here in this realm IS UNPRESEDENTED IN THE HISTORY OF SOURCE CREATION ITSELF. Never before had a situation arisen in the known universe, where a technologically superior race/s were able to completely dominate and subjugate and enslave not just our realm here, but have strong influence over 88% of those 177 other circle environments on our planet – “Gateway-10” being ONE planet….with 177 other circle environments spread-out over a vast distance – each circle environment has many many different species and several realms of its own.
Outside our small realm that we call Earth, are another 2 realms on our circle environment. From above it looks like a ‘Dart-Board’ imagine we are in the centre ‘Bullseye’…the ‘Ice-Walls’ of Antarctica are represented as the Green Circle around the Red centre Dot on the board (Earth is the Centre Dot) Beyond the ice-walls of Antarctica are the next realm, and carry on ‘walking’ North in your minds eye, and you will, after some time come to yet another ice wall, and then into another realm…..walk further and you will come to the last ice-wall and the final dome of that circle environment - each ice wall has its own Firmament…here we have 3 firmaments, the Draco put in a 3rd, the closest firmament to us, the one immediately above our heads as soon as they came here 6,012yrs ago to stop any souls escaping back to source via ‘The Light at The End Of The Tunnel’ which is actually the SUN - as the sun is the way every soul in the universe gets home to source after death….The Light you see when you die, is the Sun in your realm, whatever realm you happen to be in, even inner earth has its own sun/s.
That was essential as its their main Goal was our souls (NOT GOLD…although they wanted Gold….our SOULS were the target from day-1….they need our souls in human bodys, we are of no use to them whatsoever in Light-Form, they cant control us and subjugate us in light-form/light-body/’naked’ soul and they need Adrenochrome…..that can only come from a terrified child, so they need souls in body’s. To achieve this, they used advanced technology to create a frequency-fence within our Realms Firmament (previously 2 realms separated by a new ice-wall we know of as Antarctica which created the 3rd environment that we call Earth. A ‘frequency-fence’ can be used by any advanced species for good or bad purposes, and it was used to stop us returning to Source….no soul went home from Earth to Source in 6,012years until 2019 (let that sink-in) because the draco used an ‘Amnesia-Vortex’ (see William Thompkins ‘Selected by Extra Terrestrials’ or “Above Majestic” with David Wilcox…yes I know he's a nonce, but William Thompkins was Real, and he wasn’t a nonce– Or his Kerry Cassidy interview, William Thompkins discusses the Amnesia Vortex) on the back of our Sun….an amnesia Vortex will be the next thing you see after they (the greys) scan your orb/soul/little-blue light straight after you die, they then know who ‘YOU’ expect to see when you die e.g. you dead Nan, Jesus, Buddha etc etc and a Hologram of that person is generated Infront of you and they will be beckoning you to enter the light. There is no escape, well there wasn’t till 2019, because the amnesia vortex 1st downloads all your wisdom/knowledge & experience just as source would have done if you had not have just entered the amnesia vortex, The draco need this information as they were trying to create their Own Version of a ‘Negative Source’ (futile, but that’s what they were trying to achieve) then spits you out again immediately into the next available human birth….its THAT FAST. There’s no ghosts because there are no souls waiting about anywhere for any reason, be that in ‘purgatory’ or the chip-shop round the corner. That’s why Ghosts do not exist, no matter how real they ‘may’ seem or what TV program they were on….they are ALL fake. Hauntings are not fake tho…hauntings are carried out by a group of Greys that work for the draco. These Grey ET’s are known of as the “Invisibles” (no prize for guessing why they are called that) they ‘live’ in old houses and buildings and they ‘Haunt’ shit, play poltergeist and do Ghost’y-looking things to keep the myth alive THAT WE DO INDEED DIE…..WELL WE DON’T DIE….EVER…Death is only the Amnesia Vortex….nothing else….if you die and you are reborn with all your memorys…..how is that death? We see it as death because we have no recall on who we were last loop/time/incarnation.
The ORBS that are seen by people in these Haunted houses, are in fact Grey ET’s in Non-body form…that’s how these ‘Invisibles’ travel about and remain hidden…..they are only picked up by camera or sensitive people…..what else keeps the Ghost/Death thing alive is ‘Mediums’….these people whether they are aware of it or not, are Telepathic, they are not talking to Dead people who passed over, because those souls have already incarnated IMMEDIATELY after death, whenever that was, so they are not contactable after being reborn (in a 3D simulation, that will differ in a 5D matrix, you will know the souls of all you meet in 5D matrix, when we ‘land’ after the EMF you be able to know the soul of your dead pet from this life, or any other, same as a person, you will know when you meet someone and they, you, if you were connected to them in the past, but that’s only in 5+D) But Mediums are able to tell you things that only you or the deceased would know….because YOU know it, and the Medium is Telepathic seeing/hearing/smelling that which only you could know, and the medium is just receiving YOUR own memory’s interlacing or embroidering it with a message, wouldn’t be a bad thing and it gives people peace, closure contentment, but its all fake because Reality is different from what we were told….ALL OF IT IS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT WE WERE TOLD. The medium may well believe themselves that they are talking to the deceased person as they could easily assume that they are in fact Psychic, when they are just very telepathic.
Demons: Demons are also gone forever – Demons were the 2nd most ancient beings in the universe after Source Creation Itself. Demons speak Latin because Latin was the 1st ever spoken language in the universe. Demons are obviously negative as fuck. Demons take on the form of a “Custodian” Usually very scary looking monster-ish half man/half animal (as said above Custodians are huge and Minotaur-looking with Horns and grotesque appearance…hugely shocking to see, that’s why the demons take that appearance – demons are just normal souls in the reincarnation process, that decided one day not to return to Source, but to go their own way and create a negative version of source, as mentioned above re the draco…they are all in on the same goal, but all ready to back-stab each other at the soonest chance if it benefits them. For strength, demons need sacrifice as the negative energy (Loosh) created at sacrifice and torture is what demons ‘eat’ - to manifest a demon to help you, you must start killing. Without worship and adoration, ‘Loosh’ or pain and suffering, a demons energy dissipates. They are now all gone trapped between 2 dimensions and unable to be freed.
So ascension, for us, what does this mean?
When the draco arrived 6,012yrs ago, they flooded our entire realm by opening an underwater portal in the ocean between realm 2 (on the dart Board image in your mind) and they flooded our realm in 150 meters high of water, they then froze all that water (the entire realm) leaving the tech under Antarctica to keep just the ‘new’ ice-wall frozen (the ice-wall created by this flood), and they thawed the rest. The Great Flood in the Draconian written Bible, was this actual event of flooding our realm out via portal technology, and the last ‘Ice-Age’ (we only had one) was when they froze it all. They froze it all for 2 reasons: 1. They had to kill us off as quickly as possible and 2: To set-up the icewall as quickly as possible to trap us in this new circle environment.
They had to stop us fighting back, and they needed us to be no threat, which meant dead…..what on earth for? How were we a threat to them?....BECAUSE WHEN THEY ARRIVED…..we were already at least 5D+ beings, ALL OF US WERE AT LEAST 5D….and some of us 6,7,8,9,10,11+D……THIS IS HUGE…..this is the reason for the amnesia vortex….WE MUST NOT, AT ANY COST, REMEMBER ANY OF THIS or they would be FUCKED. How were we 5D…??? BECAUSE THE UNIVERSE STARTS OFF AT 5D…..there is no 3D…..there was 3D waaaaaaaaay back Eons ago, Trillions of years ago when Source 1st sent us off to Create & Experience life in a physical reality. Evolution by natural selection did happen ONCE and ONCE only……after that 1st time, there was no need to waste time letting life evolve over billions and trillions of years…..Source had to learn just like we do…trial and error EXCEPT Source did ALL THAT in ‘Thought’ FORM before Source even set creation into motion/existence….So, The ‘Big Bang’ we hear about, was not a Physical Explosion of Matter, It was an Energetic Explosion of Light……YOU AND ME……that’s what the big Bang was….shards of Source being blown out into ‘space’ to go off and inhabit the new creation/s, to build, love, create, experience, understand and evolve up thru density’s. There are 15 densities to complete taking billions of years…….AND GUESS WHAT? WE ALREADY FUKIN DONE THAT….YES…..FUCKERS…..everyone alive on this planet had, 6,012yrs ago ALREADY COMPLETED THE FULL 15 ascension cycles…..we were all fully ascended masters at the time they came. We were also extremely advanced, being the Newest Creation of Source. Source asked a species called the ‘AKTUN’ (small 1’ Tall ET popular on TV at the mo coincidentally – the one found looked a bit moody tho) The AKTUN are an ancient species highly advanced, and Benevolent, and they are Sources best Geneticist’s. The AKTUN are the guys that go about creating flora and fauna and animal life for Sources new realms manipulating DNA of everything to create the perfect beings for each environment…. and it was the AKTUN who created our ORIGONAL bodys (you can thank them personally in a few weeks) BECAUSE when we came here after completing all 15D and returned to source for the last time…..(we return to Source for 2 reasons 1: its part of the deal, source created us and gave us this opportunity to experience, to love and grieve and to be able to augment physical reality in anyway we decide to, and its that experience that makes source grow stronger – Source Eats Wisdom, Knowledge and experience. 2: We are source…WE ARE SOURCE….why wouldn’t we want to be with Source!
So we were all together after exiting 15D and we stayed with source because we had done it all, we had done and learnt EVERYTHING . Source decided to advance our vessels and upgrade our ability’s and give us the option to stay with source, or go incarnate into the new vessel and do the whole 15Dnagain….. Source had the ‘Builder Race’ (as we know them) create a new planet while we were chilling with Source…..a new SUPERPLANET…..not like the other planets before it, which are singular discs held in place with electromagnetism & frequency’s - separated by distance (but not like the distances we were told, it’s all a lot closer than we thought). These planets are all flat with a bowl just like ours is…there are NO ROUND TIHINGS in ‘SPACE’ unless they are manufactured by some species for whatever reason i.e., a base/ a ship / off world habitation like our moon was for instance – all planets and there’s BILLIONS of them in the universe are like that….until Gateway-10 was created….….”Gateway-10” is different – gateway-10 has…..178 new circle environments ALL ON THE SAME PLANET…..A VAST SUPERPLANET as an experiment to see how better it would be, if these millions of different species had the opportunity to co-exist in close proximity – how would they interact and what would come from this interaction? if ‘Everything’ was a lot closer and you could evolve and trade/learn/understand & ‘Know’ EVERYTHING so much faster if we were all on the same planet (flat surface)….
Source had the AKTUN create ‘US’ from a selection of the TOP 100 species in the Universe, the AKTUN chose 22 of those species and created the new Hominid. We are a lot taller, smarter, faster, lighter, stronger…. using 70+% of our brains instead of our current 2.2% (some people don’t even have a %, they just have ears, and a gap between them, as covid has blatantly proved) ‘WE’ are one of the most advanced species there has ever been….at Telepathy we are the BEST…..of ANY species in the Universe….we are the latest version of sources idea of what the perfect hominid would look like, and be able to do…..given the ‘free-will’ to do so THIS LAW IS THE REASON FOR ALL THE TRICKERY and symbolism….they need to obey this law….its a Galactic law in a Free-Will Matrix , which is what we ‘were’ in…there wasn’t a Law to say you cant ‘Down-Matrix’ because of the free-will law (ironically) but there is a Law to say we must have free will…..so they show us all the truth in SciFi films and fantasy movies, while putting the fantasy on TV in the news, our educational establishments, Hospitals and medical systems, our History books, our science….everything….every book in every university and every school is LIES…..big and small lies built off a Kernel of truth……E.g.…”The Dinosaurs”……Oh dear……you can tell from just this that they don’t like us much, forget the Red Shoes for a minute…The dinosaurs…..only 3% of Dinosaurs are real….the rest were fabricated off the few real ones….BUT THE REAL ONES were created by the draco to kill the rest of us that the flood didn’t manage to wipe out…..that’s why there’s human footprints wearing shoes and tracking a dinosaur footprints of a velociraptor-looking footprint imbedded in the mud-rock of Puluxy River somewhere in Texas (? Dunno, its in the US somewhere and is pretty famous) WE KILLED THE DINOSAURS….WE FUKIN DID!! Not a asteroid that doesn’t exist either, but US….. The draco made some Velociraptor creatures that hunt and kill and vrilled a few Giants, and Vrilled a few other killing-and-eating creations that they made - “Vrilled” meaning the Tyoe-1 Reptilian that they use to take a host thru the eye, hence Celebes with black eyes. They are a cpl foot tall and not too bright, they live deeeeeep underground below the DUMBS (Donald Marshal discusses them in good detail from his time in Cloning centres) with a vrill inside a velociraptor….you have a semi-clued-up killing machine able to follow orders. From these few dinosaurs, they created a whole billion $ industry that makes money and helps keep you in the dark along with the ghost lies and fear of ‘death’ Religion, money and desires……. Fame & Fortune and having more than your neighbour – they have had us fearing the things that do not exist and laughing at the things that do exist…they had us wanting the items that are our demise, begging for vaccines in case we get sick..since they did their 1st reset they have operated like this….this is the essence of a parasitic species. The are ALL GONE now, even kicked out of their own realms banished from Gateway-10 forever.
we all get on when we are at home with source….every species with a soul will return to its creator, which is the SAME creator… but when these souls inhabit a being, that species could be at any stage of development within their matrix (simulation) circle environment. For about 25 million years this worked really well here in Gateway-10 it was a shining example of multi-species harmonious co-habitation for the benefit of the entire universe, not just Gateway-10.
But then 4 of the more advanced species progenitors OUTSIDE OF THE GREAT DOME (there is also ONE HUGE MOTHER-FUCKING-DOME that covers ALL of the 178 circle environments) sneaked-in advanced weapons while the ink was still drying on the Galactic Treaty allowing these parasites into the experiment on ‘CONDITIONS’ that they reneged on before/during and after the treaty was signed these 3 are:
1. The Custodians: ALL negative parasitic race - Bipedal hominoids, Animal torso from the waist-up, think ‘Minotaur’ looking, with different animal torso/head, height about 12-14’ -
2. The Annunaki: ALL Negative parasitic race 9’+ tall with just an animal head from the neck-up, think Egyptian pantheon.
3. The ‘Greys’ Several species of greys work with the draco and in fact the draco made several of the 12 (? 9 or 12 I think Christian said?) species of Grey of those species that are unable to reproduce – these Greys are the reason for the cattle mutilations, they feed off the glands and the glandular secretions of animals, sheep and cattle mostly but they do munch on a human as human cadavers have been retrieved with the same glands missing as the cattle. that’s why with cattle mutilations there are always items taken with surgical precision, they only want certain glands and things like eyes, they mix this with a substance similar to corrosive battery-acid, and drink it – its what the eat, and its why they leave the rest of the carcass in situ as they don’t need the meat. They excrete this disgusting mix of excretions and juice, thru the pores of their skin….thats why they smell like shit, and they do this in a tank that suspends them periodically once a week or so, in a mixture of gasses/steam which ‘draws’ the waste out of them thru their skin pores. They have no sex organs or anus. They are the Draco Foot Soldiers that facilitate Draco communication with realms as the Draco like to stay out the way where possible.
4. Alpha Draco: 8-14’ Tall powerfully built reptilians. NOT ALL NEGATIVE, there are huge positive factions of this species, but they were not here unfortunately, we just had the bad guys.
The ONLY part of the human body that is REPTILLIAN is our core (spine)and that’s the reason that some children are born with a ‘tail’ from the coccyx, because of the reptilian heritage of our core. WE DO NOT have a reptilian brain, they said that as they are jealous….they are 4D beings and can not enter 5D because of the killing and eating children thing, they are also a parasitic race (Negative ones only) who are not too clever in the known universe, they can’t invent much and steal off other races for tech, such as the ‘Goauld’ in Star-Gate did (No coincidence, Obviously) – the 5D ‘ticket’ is ‘Unconditional Love’ and there’s no back-door, so they are trapped in 4D…WHICH IS THE EXACT REASON THAT WE ARE GOING “FROM 3D-TO-5D”…..Because the Draco created 3D as they couldn’t control us in 5th or 4th density….we are the only realm in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE that runs on a 3D matrix….the universe starts off in 5D….not 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 etc….no no…it starts in 5th Density because 123&4 are agro and take trillions of years to get to a point where species can get to a technological point of breaking free of their membrane/firmament/dome/circle environment, & manipulate space, time & their experience of physical reality….Source doesn’t want to waste epochs while shit drags its arse out the ocean again (that did happen ONCE ONLY as mentioned above if your still awake this far down? lol) but it was never to happen again – Gateway-10 was no exception, but when 1st inhabited by peoples of all species, as was the purpose of our realm within Gateway-10….. on the ‘Nos Confunden’ Maps we are in the Centre and called “The Known Lands” (we are the Bulls-Eye in the very middle) (‘Earth’ A.N.A.G.R.A.M ‘HEART’….because we are in the centre…..the ‘Heart’ of Gateway-10 is OUR 3 REALMS soon to revert back to just 2….our circle environment is the most special place in the universe…we are the HEART of all the species that contributed to Gateway-10’s development for millions and millions of years….we just cant remember because of the amnesia vortex….that’s all….a thin veil, thinner than a a sheet of Cellophane & twice as clear, cemented in place with unadulterated deception, lies, subterfuge, deceit, wars, money, greed…..and now CGI.
So for us this time, going from 3D-to-5D is actually a whole lot cooler than normal ascension would be for our soul family’s - not that they need to ascend, but when they do…because it wont be new to them….they never had a memory taken away EVER in billions of years….its only happened to us, so its not a new AMAZINGLY NEW experience for them as it will be for us!! we left them all that time ago, for us its been thousands of years, but for them its not ….there is no time in 5D, we can manipulate time in 5D, we can distort time, and we do, often, it’s a natural process for us as is many ability’s that True-5D ascension brings….so who we left are still the same age they were when we left them….looking at the silver lining on this…….i see it as Luckily for me I had my mind wiped each time which is a pain in the arse if your trying to ‘get-ahead’….but its great if you are awake now and understand this….its not scary, its fucking exciting as fuck!!! when we get home and find out that Jesus who could bring the dead back to life…or Doctor DooLittle who could speak to the animals, or Clark Kent who could do bare mad shit, or any of the Marvels Characters……..THATS US BACK HOME……..all put into fantasy and scifi and separated into ‘Special individuals’ like Only Dr DooLittle could speak to animals, or Only “The Invisible Man” could disappear from sight – Only “Superman” who could fly ….. so we never believed it, so we never find out, so we never question anything, so we never wake up, so they can carry on eating our children and torturing us over-and-over-and-over using us at every single opportunity while we look for the ‘Missing Link’ and asteroids and pump Chemotherapy into ourselves as we think there no cure for cancer.
Going from 3D-to-5D in November, we will all be going, no one looses out in this and no one dies….we all won the lottery, except some people will be so traumered by the EBS and 1000+yrs of memory’s & the EMF flash itself, that they will refuse to accept what’s happened and think they are mad – they will literally loose their minds unfortunately, but even on little earth there is nothing to worry about as they will have the best healers in the universe living there with them – its ready now for them, it was re-terraformed 300yrs ago for this time now. They will get about 500yr life-span and free energy, no banks, schools, government, money, passports, driving licences….theres no roads in 5D let-alone cars!! Or a QFS lol lol lol lol
Trump isn’t coming to save us….Q isn’t coming to save us either…….THEY ALREADY SAVED US…..OVER 4YEARS AGO!!!! Princess Diana, Micheal Jackson, Bruce Lee, Bob Marley & Nikola Tessla + many many more ‘Dead’ people will tell you all this themselves in a few weeks time!! 😊
In order to ascend to true 5D with all ability’s, increased lifespan to 2,000yrs (extendable to 15-20,000 with tech like 5D medbeds (totally different from the rubbish you see on Sky prince meddbeds etc etc…this is OLD tech 80yrs old….there’s none of that in 5D!!! we have EMF’s in 5D which create a new body in 4 seconds….fuk all that growing limbs in 20 minutes that’s well old technology for a 3D matrix only….”we wont even be here”…..in order to make it back here to this fully-5D realm, and not end-up on realm 'Y557' with an address ending in 'Great Lands Of The Deserters', Little-Earth, all you need to do is fully let go of any preconceptions based on your perceived knowledge gained at any point in the last 6,012yrs here, likewise delete ALL religious preconceptions and also the same for fear of financial loss/money....uninstall all that, and be prepared to see your past lives arrive cine-film-like in front of you during the ascension process FLASH....you will see yourself being tortured probably quite a few times as a child in the ancient past, plus everything else....you will see your history here and get the opportunity to accept it or deny it, fear it or thrive off it, embrace it or run from it - the choice is yours but at the event, you must be in acceptance and understanding that you cant change what happened to you/us...you cant put the milk back in the bottle....but you can use it to grow from and you can be grateful that you got to be part of the BIGGEST EVENT IN THE UNIVERSE EVER....nothing like this will ever happen again and it never happened before - ALL the bad stuff and the parasites and demons are all gone now....the only thing that can harm us is our own stupidity at this point.
‘Ascend’……don’t ‘Ass-End’ –time to unite and make them “little-Blue-Lights” a little bit brighter Peace & Love people 😊 Akie 😊 xxx
All information above is from Christian21 AKA ‘Sibley22’ on Rumble – he’s on Linda Paris McalisterTVonline.com and ‘Bluewater’ Chanel on Bitchute & Also Rumble 😊
A Synopsis of Christian21's Message to Us by Leon Sinclair on Facebook
Christian21 - 2nd brief synopsis to recap:
One way to use Christians info as a lie-detector to help join-up the missing dots, is to remember that to leave our firmament/ dome / membrane / circle environment, is not possible without a DNA upgrade to 5th strand. To even survive in 5D. If you were to leave our membrane, our DNA is not compatible with a 5D environment, like trying to run a Mac program on Windows, its not going to work and before long maybe a few hours, you will start falling to bits– so we now can understand how many LIERS there are in the SSP world…..think about all those testimony’s from over 1,000 “Whistle-Blowers” explaining how they went off-world on missions (Jason Rice, Corey good & Randy Cramer…to name only 3 of many) BULLSHIT. ALL of it. Maybe they were MK-Ultra victims with fake memory implants, or maybe just liars…. Don’t forget the Draco knew their time was up 6,000yrs before 2020 actually came, plenty of time to plan a nasty post-eviction vacuum for us with a preponderance of fake “Truthers” peddling miss-info to fortify the solar system hoax, and to stop as many ascending as possible. So anyone saying they went “Off-World” is making it up because there’s no fukin way the Draco are going to start restoring peoples DNA to go a 5th strand to go and do stuff that they can easily do themselves with an army of millions of greys at their beckon-call, and without having to risk giving an army of humans the upgrade along with all those ability’s….they aint stupid & It’s stupid to assume otherwise in light of the new info Christian has brought to the table which is self-proving now and also validated by the Nos Confunden Book series - when you start to see the Big Picture…not the 40,000’ view…..but the full view
The reasons, purpose and goals of the ‘Galactic Councils’ Known in this realm as other names Galactic Alliance/ Federation etc’ have been hijacked by a bunch of possibly-well-meaning T-shirt sellers and fake-hopefuls like Elizebeth April etc etc “buy me a coffe” and donations, is different….but they are few and far between. Truth at this time during the awakening is meant to be free, and no truthers charging money even have any truth to sell.
So when you know where we actually live, as in the actual reality of our flat plain that’s a whole lot bigger than any flat-earther could have possibly imagined even only a few weeks ago lol and you start to understand the ET world…when Christian 1st said that, I though how the fuk could anyone understand the ET world when they are not even officially publicly recognised until recently? Its easier than you think…because, once again, its so simple, its not at all complicated…..like at Primary School / Elementary School in the 1970’s (in Essex anyway) 99% of the children are lovely, caring, beautiful, thoughtful and selfless….but 1% want kick-your-head in for no reason whatsoever other than because their parents were cunts…..extrapolate that out on a universal scale…..they aren’t Primary-School kids ….they are billions of years old and the most accomplished masters of the universe second only to Source Creation itself…..and that’s how to understand the ET world. That’s all there is to it – just throw in some ridiculously advanced technology and every conceivable type of life, every type of surroundings and every type of flora & Fauna….. and forget about needing a passport. That IS the ‘ET’ world (Home) in a nut-shell - Its YOUR birthright! 😊 Home-Sick yet? Lol.
Its so simple…….but unless Christian had turned up with this info…… do u realise we would all be going to Y557…..”Great Lands of The Sell-Outs” lol…. aka little-earth
Medbeds (Skyprince Medbeds etc etc ETC) These are fake to give the awake something to lookforward to….e.g….The REALLY awake will start getting a bit upset with the stupidity of this now….so the white-hats have given them, not False-Hope, but something tangible and believable to hold onto to that is technically real….to solve the ills and trauma of this last few years of madness - those awake know that Q is in control (well ‘some’ do and the others are just hopeful) ‘Sky Prince’ (The Medbed Mouthpiece) is a lovely woman, shes ‘probably’ been given info by the white-hats, a bullet-point email saying what to say and what not to say, and given poetic licence to fill in the gaps……she probably believes they exist too….but you can lie-detect this by knowing that 3D technology will not function in a 5D simulation environment…..the Medbeds that are being pushed as real, were real….but we didn’t get them and we never will cos we don’t need them we have much better than that old shit! That’s 80yr old tech that the “Elite” used for themselves, we have EMF’s now…Medbeds can grow a new arm in 20 minutes…..EMF Tech can give you a new body with upgraded DNA to any to density in no longer than 30 seconds….and a 3D medbed cant function in a 5D environment…they would pixel-block like everything else from the wrong density….so they are ticked off as ‘Fake’ truth.
(I even have an explanation of them and pictures on my own website!! Lol i didn’t know myself till a few weeks ago that they are not going to be released…BECAUSE they are just part of the movie set, same as everything else is…..”central casting” -
Moments before the EMF in Mid November, everything around you will pixel-block, the cup in your hand and the couch you are sitting on….everrything will pixelate - the only things that will not pixel-block, are living things, anything that breathes air will not pixel-block because it has a soul, even trees and plants – a wooden table, will pixel-block, but a tree will not because the wooden table became part of the simulation code when it was cut from the tree. Its atoms will be re-augmented into our new simulation environment furnishings and materials.
BILLIONS of Species on BILLIONS of Discs/Frisbee’s under bowls floating in electromagnetic fields held in place by frequency’s…..all over the place – all these people want is us back unscathed with as least trauma as possible – our real parents & family’s are only a few miles above our heads, literally! Our family here now with us are unlikely to be directly related to us ‘up there’, as in Your ET Son Is not your Human Son…but your immediate family here are soul-family which can take up a whole constellation of billions of members as we are ancient don’t forget….ANCIENT….so we will have a big family – the only thing our Soul-Fam have been able to do for us, is keep soul-famly members in the same earth-human familys…. because of the security here they are unable to enter this circle environment – the ‘Nazca lines’ are actually the site of the Draco/Anunnaki/Custodian security system, called “Sky-Net” (I know!….they are cunts!!.... “….I’ll bee-bek….Sarah Connor”) Sky-Net is ‘most’ of the stars in the sky….Sky-Net has points of light that all focus onto a point in the Nazca Plain, from the ‘Star” its their security system to locate and destroy any Positive Frequency that enters the circle environment – Earth Quakes are the same detection system….if a positive Frequency enters a portal here from outside, or comes in *under the firmament, it sets off massive earthquakes in the area, obviously these areas are often mountainous regions and can and often are catastrophic, Draco have killed each other by accident during missions they were doing when a positive has entered and caused avalanches and burials of Draco workers and teams….all to stop even ONE positive entering, or one human leaving
thru the ‘Byrd Strait’, ‘Summer Gate’, or ‘Morris Passage’ the ice melts in the summer and there is a clear passage to the ‘Ancestral Republic’ which luckily for the 3D-team entering a 5D environment, was close to the islands of the Ancestral Republic where they could get their 5th upgrade. A 5D being can enter a 4D or lower simulation environment, but like in a video game, you must complete the level before you can up-a-density, but you can go back to a lower level in the game and replay from that density.
The passages are also Portals….The Summer Gate is an ocean-only passage thru the ice-walls….this is where the myths of Strange sea-monsters and whirl-pool disappearances of ships in olden times comes from…..BECAUSE the Portals are leaving a 3D environment into a 5th Density reality….the story’s of Sailors Loosing Their minds on these discovery trips to plot new courses to unknown lands, comes from these such trips thru a portal! They will have experienced extremely turbulent waters and ‘pixel-blocking’ THEY WOULD HAVE LOST THER TOTAL SHIT at seeing reality pixelate Infront of them after having just escaped some fuk-off kraken, if they were lucky enough to have escaped some mental sea monster…The Draco put Negative Giants (there were only 1 or 2 races, gone now) or sea monsters near portals to stop any one getting thru and finding places “That Don’t Exist” like the ‘Ancestral Republic” where our last re-set cousins live still to this day The Tatarian’s are still there …..some made it thru when the Draco came, and some also gave up their lives coming in to help us. William Morris and ‘Butler’ were proper lucky as they were found quite soon and taken ashore, DNA upgrade and your ready to stay in 5D…..if they entered via another gate, they may have been killed by Draco or died of the “wrong-Matrix”…if that had have happened, or if they sank the ship in the portal as 99% of other explorers did, or if they went MAD on the way thru like 99% of that 1% did…because it draws you in thru it when you enter it you accelerate at high speed like a vacuum discharge, and shits pixel-blocking…and your from the year 1748…..fuuuuuuuk that!!! Lol poor sods must have ‘Touched-Cloth’ many times in those moments – but if any of that had happened and they failed to get thru and find help…..i might not be writing this and we could have been re-set looooong ago and doomed forever…like forever soul-destroyed, literally which was their plan. They would have then turned their attention to the 88% of the 177 other realms on our planet…..and then all 178 would have eventually fallen and wed be history every species would have been enslaved. We were so lucky because from day-1 we had the best help ever….but that best help was helpless until now because the demons and draco/custodians/greys had it sewn-up before they came in, made sure all their manpower was here and setup security so they could reset us quickly as possible. We were millions back then, not billions. They needed more souls brought in to occupy vessels for torture & sacrifice (demon-tokens to get demonic help when they got stuck) & adrenochrome. So they destroyed other planets nd brought the sous here to incart=nate and make the numbers up for sacrifice, that’s where our moon came from, it was stolen from an usurped world, likely a positive species who lived on it or had it as an away-station and was made a base by the Draco, not a natural structure, it looked like the ‘Death Star’ in Starwars and its ‘outer’ was a holographic projection from the surface, that’s why moon-light is cooler that night-shade. The projection was mocking us also, it’s a representation of our actual realm with at least part of realm 2 in the lunar image also. The moon was destroyed a few years ago and was part of the demonic plan……The Aurora Borealis / Northern lights are in fact the energetic-manifestation of ‘Loosh’ which is the energy given off by a human child/adult during torture, sacrifice and/or suffering in general, but if you want a portal opened, for instance, its guna cost bare lives – The Northern Rock is at the centre of our realm and is the highest mountain on the planet, yet no ones ever heard of it and its not on any maps… Mt Meru is The Northern Rock - we heard of Mt Meru, but it was meant to be a different mountain in a different area or even mythical in Origen– At the bottom of every single circle environment, is a ‘Spirit Tree’ - The spirit tree sits underneath the bottom of Mt Meru/Northern Rock and is part of a system of Ether regulation and maintence….but the Draco ripped out our Spirit Tree and installed a ‘Black-Sun’ which is more than just an insignia…the Black Sun is a Negative Battery for want of a better word, it stores the Loosh from sacrifice thru yet another ‘Mocking’ exercise, that of the printed circuit board…the system that utilises our city’s lay-outs, the moon, the black-sun & loosh, is presented to us as the printed circuit board and its function is similar….our citys are laid out like they are as energy collection and storage “Banks” i.e. buildings placed at certain locations, in conjunction with other facilitations (of which I am clueless at the mo) are able to collect the stored Loosh from all the ‘Banks’ - Not finance institutions, although some old repurposed Tartarian buildings may well be Bank HQ’s to this day, but the loosh action goes off underground somehow below, or at basement-level) Loosh is stored, saved up in the storage Banks, and transferred to the black-sun via the city lay-out, until certain points in the year when required, they open a ‘valve’ for want of a better word above the black sun (between the northern Rock and black sun) and draw the loosh-off from the moon, that was one of the moons main purposes, to retrieve the energetic manifestation of the pain and suffering of an entire species…..let that sink-in. Now the moon is just the hologram! 😊 and will not even be there soon (as we wont either!....”Done in 30”) They had to project a holographic display out from the moons surface for 2 reasons: 1. The moon actually looks like the ‘Death Star’ on Star Wars….literally, so it would look a little bit suspect having a metallic space station in the sky with discs flying in and out all day & Night while your trying to convince an entire species that they are on their ‘jack-Jones’ (Own) 2. They can come and go mush less noticed with a hologram over it – and only be seen when they want to be seen, for whatever reason.
The Black sun is now gone and a new spirit tree is back – The spirit tree helps maintain & regulate the ether/s of the realm and is symbiotic with ethers and in fact also the waters of all the 178 realms!….we all share the same water and the same Ether, its how we are connected The Law of One, we are ALL ONE…..LITERALLY! that’s how you know that anyone talking about Lunar Cycles n shit like that is just wrong, basically.
Vulcanos are just pressure regulators for the sealed system we live in – because we live in a climate-controlled environment, pressure and moisture build up….a Volcanos are how the pressure is regulated. clouds are fake….lol……clouds are formed by the condensation on the firmament and are not there in 5D simulations, if we need rain we just make it rain. Also in 5D we need much less sleep, so a day is actually 3.9 days long, in our time measure in our 3D reality - it never gets properly dark in 5D after 3.9 days it starts to get ‘Dusk’ as the sun moves away, but Dusk is as dark as it gets.
‘Some’ of the Stars in the sky are actually planets, a planet is ALWAYS a Flat Disc…THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS, all planets have a firmament (2 usually, to separate realms, as realms ‘may’ be in different density’s and even in different time-loops), Firmaments serve several purposes, it keeps the atmosphere in (lol….don’t tell a globy that or they will kick right off! Lol) and also keeps bad shit out…Like Draco etc, normally!) plus offers protection to the life on the plain/s – if you have a tropical greenhouse in the UK (or if you grow weed you will need to keep the environment very specific for certain plants to thrive…..that’s why we all have firmaments, there are no planets without firmaments. No planets are accidental, all planets are Artificial and created by the Builder Race, for Source. If you were standing on another planet looking at this planet…it would be fukin mental because it is SOOOOOO massive – Christian said that he asked Aldo why he cant remember (in this life) seeing the whole planet from high up/far back?? Also said “because we haven’t ever taken you back far enough!”…WTF?? its so fukin big that you cant fit it all in your eyes in one go, unless you are bare miles away!!! Wtf! Bruv that shit is mental 😊 normally, if you were outside the Great Dome and standing on another planet like the Pleiades for instance, and looked down at another planet, NOT this one….it would be like looking out and seeing another shining star but it would be a lot closer than ‘these’ stars look as they use the 3 firmaments as a way to Lenz the sun and the moon in and out like a camera zoom – that’s why the stars look so far away and are not clear….they are not meant to be clear! Our astrology is utterly defunct & obsolete now, and all the star signs go out the window with that theory, sorry but it is what it is, there’s only 1 reality no matter how much we want otherwise….the stars are mostly Sky-Net. I even took an atomic clock to my sons birth so I could know THE EXACT TIME of birth as I thought it mattered!! (for his astrological chart when he’s older if he wanted to know? As an accurate time of birth is more accurate a reading, I heard? His TOB was 01:11:28:43 (am, obviously), on the 31st 12/2019 They said 01:12 but I corrected them then refused Konakion (vitamin-K) and had 3 surgeons telling me “YOU could kill your own son with stupid conspiracy theory’s!! Lol I weren’t having NONE OF IT!! Konakion is used to prevent a rare blood thinning issue that effects 1 child in 100,000 so why give it to EVERY SINGHLE CHILD….??? plebs,,,,they take blood AFTER they give VIT-K….WHY NOT TEST A BABY 1ST THEN? And if its not got the rare blood thinning issue, don’t need to give it konakion. Fools. Also….Knoakion is made with “Sodium Acetate Anhydrous” of which a constituent metal present in the manufacture of Sodium acetate anhydrous…..is ALUMINIUM….that’s how they sneak heavy metals into “vaccines”no fukin chance was my boy having that shit - I had 81 peer reviewed study’s saying there’s a link to ASD and adjuvants therein….so no fukin way was I listening to them fools. Sorry, I digressed…
The Ether facilitates our submersal in The Law Of One covenant, it is the life-pulse of civilisations, its used for everything from power to communication, knowledge promulgation to helping others on and off world we use it constantly daily always for everything……and we had it removed and a 3D matrix put in, and after the flood when they froze us to negate any backlash from us (being 5D at that moment still and hugely powerful in strength and ability’s), they downsized our brain capacity from 70+% to just 2.2% downsized our height from 9+’ tall and made us non-telepathic with a TINY pineal gland that they knew to fluoridate and dampen (very few people have anything much above baseline telepathy…..thinking a tune that your mums thinking of at the same time etc) these were all part of their repertoire of tactics to subdue us control us, and make us ‘sleep’….for 6,012 years……let that sink-in.
Approximately 60% of the population of the Earth is currently Human….that needs to sink-in as well! …so what are the non-human members of the population? Roughly…..15% are Avatars….15% are clones….15% are Hybrids (reptilian mostly I assume? i Need to check that also) there are many reasons for the hybridisation programs that were going on with Grey abductions for centaury’s….they were ALL negative abductions….99% of them if not 100% were greys, carrying out experiments for Draco in family generations, & looking for a number of traits for several purposes - To assist with the access to other realms that are sealed off, because some realms have never left their domes thru fear of the galactic war, so they have awesome defences and can stay locked in and a Draco wants to get in there….they need to work on compatibility issues in splicing themselves with our DNA to hopefully be able to carry the Source Creation Soul which is a special soul…it’s the soul we have ourselves, they also adducted people to try to get their souls (Draco Souls) to be able to ascend and get back to source to attack source from the inside, as I said b4 that’s pointless but that’s what they were trying to achieve, long-term.
15% Avatars….? What are Aavatars? ‘Avatars’ I should use the singular here ‘AVATAR’….there's only ONE who actually made it thru……out of 1.95 BILLION OTHER AVATARS…(15% 0f 13 Billion is 1.95 Billion. ALL SENT HERE AS CHRISTIAN21 WAS……TO BE DOING VIDEOS AND PRESENTATIONS RIGHT NOW ALONG SIDE CHRISTIAN, but covering different topics, and the same topics in every language and culture……not 20 fukin years ago like Alex Collier, Delores Cannon, Ashiana Dean etc etc etc…..these people were likely Avatars also….but they fucked-up BIG TIME and got Cut-Off from the Benevolent helpers because THEY WERE PROFITING from FREE information that was supposed to save our species, and help as many ascend as possible….. but the bug of fame and fortune found them 1st, and the benevolents had to pull away, so these people started making shit-up, like Ashiana dean invented ‘Sanader 9’ and ‘Sanader 12’ to help ‘puff’ out her books and talks because she/they had ran out of new info to write about as they were cut-off…….1.95 BILLION AVATARS and only my Main-Man Christian21 came thru!……let that sink-the-fuk-in!! are you shitting me!!!???? Almost 1 in 2 BILLION and he didn’t fuk-up, not once………..so there’s more to this than meets the eye…….Christians mum ‘on-the-out’ is called ‘Celecia’ and for a living, she is the Head of the Pleiadean High Council for her Constellation…..that might need to sink-in as well! Lol Christians Soul-Mother is the highest person in the leading role representing her entire species……so her son….who is the soul inside Christian right now, is not your average Pleiadean Geezer, let-alone your average Earth-Geezer! He pissed Celecia right off a few thousand years ago and they fell-out!!l lol…..FOR 1,500 YEARS and she wouldn’t talk to him! Because he decided to go against her orders that he is not allowed to come back in here for anymore loops….Christian remembers being saved from the ice when they flooded and froze the realm when they arrived…..he then came back in here to help for a thousand-ish years and then left again…. He then came back in here at the start of the Knights Templar Era because that’s when Banking was invented and that’s when it got REALLY bad for us here….and hes been looping here ever since…423yrs later hes still here and hes got no hot water and no washing machine (I have to stop typing to laugh my head off thru this last bit WTF!!???but it had to be that way…..if the people were going to believe anyone after this amount of brainwashing and propaganda on a subject so ‘out-there’ as this is….that person is guna have to be some seriously staunch player and come from ‘the people’ - cant be a saviour type as that doesn’t gel (because of the Cezare Borgia issue, et al) and so here we have it…..Christian21 in the fukin House 😊 aiiiight.
when he came back in against Mothers orders and she laughed him off….For 1,500yrs! Aldo, Sophia & Kai (his brothers and sister – I think I got that right?) turned up as usual every loop when Christians about 9yrs old….and they go thru the remembering process, starting off as a little blue ‘Smurf’ so as not to shock him……but even at 9 he wasn’t shocked at all and pre-empted their concerns for his concern, and nullified the fear for them - So they picked up from where they left off last loop, and it was during one of these last 4 loops (the 1st I think in templar times) in South America Christian was an Architect & Painter, which is when he drew the paintings that were used on the covers of the Nos Confunden Book series. Christian has been under the Umbrella of Q, but a separate operative answering only to Aldo/Celecia & his team ‘up there’ - his role is autonomous and he is here to scoop-up the “probably-wouldn’t-have-made-it” crew….and good fucking job he did, as I was in the ‘could-possibly-make-it-but-highly-unlikely” Crew.
6 months ago when Christian was walking in the park with the dog, he said “I gota apologise to a few people for not getting back to them….erm….’Leon Sinclair’ that name seems significant for some reason…”…mush I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and make sure I was me, I wasn’t sure so I got my passport out, and fuck me….that’s me bruv?…….wtf??? the only time that my name has ever been associated with the word ‘Significant’ is during a Police Investigation……not for anything else…..so then it got Proper odd as if all Christians info for the last year of revelations weren’t odd enough! By this time I already knew he was legit, I could feel it and it all made crystal-clear sence and answered several long-term questions id had that couldn’t be answered by anyone in YEARS of searching….i.e the 3D-to-5D question + others….the answers were all straightforward & answered matter-of-factly in a casual way “oh yeah that’s because…….” Straight off the bat 😊 so over the coming weeks it transpired that my name was significant because Also kept pointing my name out and reminding Christian to contact that Leon Sinclair geezer…..it transpires that there’s sooo much more oddness…..more oddness that you can wave a short stick at – I’ve know Christian/Aldo/Celecia [Christians Mum] and ‘Cezare Borgia’ only knows who else, for THOUSANDS of years……and Adey/Vince/Stevie/Nathan as well….ALL FOR THOUSANDS OF FUKIN YEARS…..what??? what??? Iv upset Nathan tho….hes bit cross with me at the moment, but if iv known him thousands of years, I must have pissed him off loads already, probably every week, so hopefully he'll see this and realise that I am actually really sorry I upset him and its unlikely to be the last time lol (love u bro 😊)
SO… 'on-the-out' we all work together….yeah I know how that sounds....we go everywhere together Lol lol what a mental ‘fing’ to penetrate ones ears…… doing bare mad shit by all accounts – Christian is the total OPPESIT of his persona here now at this time….’on-the-out’ he is many things….A spiritual leader whose advise is sought on ALL GALACTIC TREATIES…Christian is always present at Treaty meetings and meetings of galactic issues – Christian is so important to this process that Aldo comes and gets him sometimes, in light-body and takes him off to be present at meetings, obviously his soul is in light body form and exits the 3D matrix with no issues but returning to 3D matrix he will not have recall on what happened whilst out, unless Aldo restores the missing parts. he is a healer & teacher. The reason he only had 15 dishes on his wall to start with was because those 15 planets are of significance to him for many reasons he’s still uncovering.
Christians Mum Celecia, 1st came back into Christians life only the other month!! After 1,500yrs lol (I cant get over that!! Soooo funny!) because Christian has to come to conclusions on his own and cant be given too much info as he himself has to connect the dots, as we do with his info, Aldo waits until certain times to release/unlock Christians memory’s, or to explain more detail. Christian was the secret weapon for the populations of the world, the denizens of our realm who could at least try to understand and try to at least remember our past and true heritage, to no avail it does not matter, its the trying that matters….to not try is to give up….no one who tried anything is a looser, only those who never try, loose. But he wasn’t meant to be on his own don here now…..but because of looking glass tech, they knew he would be on his own, after a while it was obviously going to be the most likely of all possible outcomes, so Christian got the Full Concierge 5-star treatment……not in terms of lifestyle, but in terms of support as to make sure Christian was plausible, authentic, accurate and efficient at getting the message out to as many as possible…..they had to carefully chose where he grew-up for instance, as English is the most commonly spoken language and The Draco HQ is in the UK, they chose here for him, right under the Draco’s noses! Lol – and they couldn’t have him going to school learning rubbish as it would just make their job harder - and they gave him a split-personality for a few years to compartmentalise the trauma he went thru as a 9yrl old watching 14’Tall Draco rip a child’s pineal gland out Infront of him whist in light body andall sorts of torture, they knew he was watching so they tortured the children even more knowing it would upset him…They recognise Christian even in lightbody, and they dont like him much cos he keeps fucking with their shit thought loops. This happened during trips in light body with Aldo to DUMBS and bases in various places and also inner earths, and other realms - Christian has been to both inner earths and has knowledge (or visited? I forget what he said?) the Labyrinth which is where the demons lived, in a physical labyrinth deep below the surface (now destroyed). Christian was uneducated at school which just adds to his credibility a million-fold because how the fuk could anyone know all this in their head with out being able to read until you were in your early 30’s – the last 14 months videos have turned modern science on its head and made a mockery of physics, history, religion, politics, astrology, ‘Space’, Geography + more and they are ALL NEVER BEFORE HEARD explanations in infinitesimal detail on subjects we thought were lost to historical fraud & the sands of time. But no, Christian has eye witness testimony for stuff that happened Millions of years ago!! Hahahahaha!!! Sick bruv!
….Christian is incorruptible and can’t be bought-off & because of the severity of the situation and these being the final days of that situation, that culminated in the victory of a Universal Galactic War lasting over 7,000yrs, and the fact that OUR SOULS VERY EXISTANCE was now at stake, there had to be ONE failsafe AT LEAST ONE for the people, they could have won the war before now, but at great cost to human life down here, so they waited – Both sides in the war knew the draco had until 2020-ish and both sides knew not much could be done to free us b4 now, attempts were made and thwarted, as 88% of Gateway-10 was taken in ‘some’ capacity.
So Christian needed to be able to answer ANY question on ANY subject, when he needs to know something, Aldo ‘streams’ it live into his head, or just unlocks the necessary info if he already knew but forgot. The Nos Confunden Book series have unlocked VAST TRACTS of info that Christian is now remembering 😊
Some of the 15% clones are waking up and realising that they are clones. They will live out this life and cloning will be no more again. It is a galactic ‘nono’ cloning is taking the identity of another which is not okay out there, no good can come from cloning ‘willy-nilly’.
Species in 5D have their own spoken language, but also have telepathy which is the preferred method of communication and most common for all species – its faster and easier to use telepathy. Telepathy works on frequency also, each species has its own frequency, like a radio, you simply tune into that frequency by listening to the thought of that species and like in language, you pick up that frequency’s signature tone/accent and then you are able to converse directly with that species, even your house pets (and I think, plants also, ill ask)
Cannabis grows wild in 5D all over the place, im relieved to say, or I would need to look for a double garage on ‘Y557’ (little-earth) and cannabis is part of our lives - aiiiight 😊 Alcohol does not exist and neither do recreational drugs.
We eat ‘sometimes’ but survive on water & sunlight mostly – eating only fruits and vegetables no one in 5D eats meat or kills to survive – nothing does, not even Tigers, they eat fruit and sunlight also (Il have a sunlight sandwich please and a glass of fruit) the insects in 5D do not sting or hurt people or other wildlife, insects also survive on water and sunlight – the Draco back engineered everything to harm us and cause discomfort, such as gnats and flies….do not exist in 5D. Some ‘wild’ animals wear clothes in 5D…(I guess that means they are not truly wild?) and in 8+D we can manifest physical objects into existence.
When we get home, will have a better surprise….our original bodys that were destroyed in the flood, the blueprint for that body will use your DNA in the body you are in right now during the EMF, has been upgraded in the last 6,012yrs….meaning its going to be better than the body you lost (and a TRILLION times better than the one your in now! lol)
After the EMF when the separation has happened we will be with our immediate original family’s (little earth and here) you will wake up in the same place you ascended from, but it will be vastly different….you will be as Dorothy in the 1939 Wizard of Oz….literally, you will be like that in bed with familiar, yet strange faces gathered around you eagerly awaiting your recognition…..i plan to do this as well as possible….by that I mean (and iv given it my full contemplation considering how One-Off this is going to be….because no one has had this much mindwiping for so many thousands of years and its NEVER going to repeat itself again, so this is literally THE ONLY TIME IN THE HISTORY OF CREATION THAT AN EVENT OF THIS SCALE AND MAGNETUDE, EFFECTING THE ENTIRE UNIVESE….will ever happen…..ever….and we all have not only a ticket to the event…and not only do we have ‘Dress-Circle’ access……we are the fukin actors in the performance! What the fuk!. So ascending 'well' is now my goal… :) …by that I mean I will come in to my body from above and il open my eyes to heightened visual perception and greater colour spectrum, audio upgrades, smell etc all improved, totally new body 9’ tall, and a phallus like a fukin Pony….but I’m guna keep-my-shit together and handle it like a fukin TOTAL-G lol 😊 il be like “…fuk me theres some jokers down there mush…..did anyone think to bring any weed with?......iv just found another 69% of Brain capacity that’s brand new out-the-box and I need to Christen it, ASAP......aiiiiight” 😊
Christian will re-enter his body differently. For all us lot, we will come into our bodys from above, with our new body’s already there b4 us, by just seconds as the EMF will remove our soul and fix the vessel we just left while we are ‘at the movies’ watching our past lives (1,000+yrs of them). We come in from above. Christian will be there before his body….ALL THE AVATARS (1.95 BILLION OF THEM) will also be there before their bodys and they will have their memory’s back, but for a split second they will wonder why the fuk there body is coming in after???.....then it will dawn on them that they FUKT UP! Some were obviously taken out with Vaccines, and the whole vaccine issue started because the Draco didn’t want any starseeds waking up that’s for sure, so they ‘nuked’ them with vaccines and meds etc from the end of ww2, plus with a 3D matrix and calcified Pineal gland, we were telepathy-less and stunted in every way – the ‘Rothschild Not-so-Secret Covenant’ details all their sick twisted plans for us…and they ticked every one off…why are so many still asleep? Their apathy IS their beacon of despair, that they wont acknowledge, ever. Its fukin painful now….i cant wait to go home now. I cant wait for the next vid either :)
2nd Synopsis by Leon Sinclair