Branch of Man
The Tree of Life has many branches. In the heavenly realm is the Branch of Man; the snake families exist in the underworld. Hu-mans are a genetic mix of Man and Snake (Reptilian). This genetic splicing was done by the snake families so they could claim us, as their source of energy, loosh & flesh. Since we belong to both branches at a genetic level, they have used all their trickery to pull us permanently into the underworld when this Book of Life ends. Many are sealed for exit West to the underworld, and those souls will no longer have any Man DNA in their physical bodies.
Almost 20 years ago I joined a mystery school, The Spiritual School of Ascension, which was supported by Earth Mother. I know now we were an experiment. Could we re-connect all 12 strands of DNA, could we suppress the reptilian genetics, could we raise our frequency, could we rise above the mind control and energy nets? As an experiment it was only partially successful, and the school disbanded a couple of years after I left.
Last night I asked my Higher Self about the eating of flesh. The Branch of Man does NOT eat animal flesh. It’s only here in the underworld where we have been genetically modified to eat flesh like the snake families do. I remember listening to an alien abductee’s story years ago. She described a nightmare (memory), where she and her husband were lined up with other humans, in their night clothes. The humans were being eaten alive by the reptilians. The woman spoke to one of her captors and asked why they were eating humans. His reply was that humans are their food source, and said something to the effect that since humans eat flesh, they can be eaten as flesh too.
I’ve been wondering about the prevalence of narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths mixed into our population. I think many are non-human, and others are humans whose reptilian DNA is more dominant. This truly is the hell realm ruled by the predators. We are their prey.
When the rocks (meteor storm) come, do not get in any ships. They will try to “save” you, but it is a meat run and you will miss your exit. Remember this is all a simulation, and we are being pulled back into our original bodies at the time of Exit. The heavenly realm and the Tree of Life want as many souls as possible, and there will be a moment when those still undecided & unsealed can make a prayer to heaven to pull them home.