Stories from IC1101 (Telegram channel link)
I’ve been enjoying the Stories from IC1101 Telegram Channel Here’s an excerpt from a recent post:
Something was just shared with me, something that has been discussed here before, and that is the reason for why the plan had to be the way it is. You see, the white hats could have swooped in and saved us all from the globalists (even their name gives away their lies when we have eyes to see). But what would this have achieved… nothing. Because the people were so unknowingly mind controlled, that if this course of action was pursued, it could have reinforced the people’s slavery, rather than setting them free.
So, the white hats, very wisely, stood back. They stood back to allow us to take the win, so that we could remember and celebrate our victory in the centuries to come. They stood back to allow us to create a wonderful history that we will look back on with heartfelt reverence. They stood back so that we could finally comprehend, realise, and activate the inviolable power in us as children of our Creator. By standing back and gently guiding the people, the people awakened one by one, community by community, country by country, until a new consciousness was born. A new consciousness that will be the foundation of our renewed civilization, an awakened consciousness that is closely aligned with that of our Creator.